We all know what acupuncture is, it’s placing needles into the skin, right? Most of the time, this is absolutely correct; acupuncture is a complementary therapy involving the insertion of needles and dates back thousands of years. However, as you might expect from something so old, there are many variations. Not every patient is comfortable […]
Ever got confused about that weird incense you might’ve seen advertised with acupuncture? It’s called moxa and it’s not just used for the faint smell of marijuana. The Basics Moxa is the dried variant of the plant mugwort. It’s known often as Japanese or Chinese mugwort or Ai Ye in Chinese medicine. Frequently used in […]
Ever seen an athlete sporting strange red circular marks on their skin? Michael Phelps practically instituted those marks as a fashion statement during the last Olympics. Well, those odd bruises are from the ancient Eastern practice of cupping therapy and we’re going to break down just what cupping is and how it can benefit you. […]
A type of heat therapy used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), moxibustion is becoming more widely offered across the NHS and in private practice here in the UK, particularly in the case of breech babies. So how can moxibustion therapy cause babies to shift into the right position, just in time for birth? We’re going […]
A practice with a 2000-year history, acupuncture has become a mainstay in our healthcare and wellbeing industries. Prescribed by the NHS for certain conditions, acupuncture is one of the most popular complementary therapies in the UK. Practised by physiotherapists and other healthcare providers, the demand for acupuncture has grown. This is in part thanks to […]
Massage is a practice that stretches back into ancient times and not only helps muscles relax, it can also target specific points, rehabilitate muscles and improve flexibility. Plus, we all know how incredible it feels to walk away from a massage. There are as many types of massage as there are people, from hot stone […]
Traditional Chinese Medicine has had thousands of years to develop all sorts of intriguing treatments and acupuncture is one of the most popular branches of therapy in the West. Acupuncture itself is a broad and comprehensive practice though, using techniques from massage and moxa all the way to needling and ear seeds. If you’re new […]
If there’s one thing sports therapists have in common, it’s a large collection of tapes and bandages. There’s a tape for every eventuality and some have uses that go beyond their main application. When it comes to knowing which sports or therapy tape to use, it can quickly get confusing. Not only are many tapes only […]
There are more moxibustion products available than you can shake an acupuncture needle at and choosing the right ones for your practice can be tricky. Should you be using stick-on moxa? Loose moxa? Does it matter? Even if you’ve been practising moxibustion for a while, with the increase in moxa products on the market, different […]
Podcasts have become the resource for research and entertainment that we never knew we needed. With relatively cheap start-up costs and little at stake, many professionals have turned to podcasting to get their messages across, take the listening along on their learning journey and bring priceless research to our ears. Whilst books and were […]
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