Meridius Gu Gwan Moxa

7,09 exc. VAT

Meridius® Gu Gwan Moxa is a natural type of compressed Korean moxa formed into a tube with a hollow centre.

This product is dried for three years before preparation and packaging to ensure Meridius® Gu Gwan Moxa will burn at a consistent, safe, controlled temperature every time it is being used.

The hollow centre allows Meridius® Gu Gwan Moxa to be placed on acupuncture needles which is ideal for indirect moxa treatments.

Our moxa is made of 100% real mugwort, also known as “artemesia vulgaris” or “ssuk” in Korean.

This herb is believed to have traditional medicinal properties that could help blood circulation and increase the general state of well-being.

This product must be purchased in increments of 10.

236 in stock

SKU: ME208 Category: